Moonbuds Heron Review

Earbuds can’t replace IEMs, yes it’s a bold statement but true, still Earbuds are everywhere from 5$ trap to 300 $ trash. I think choosing an Earbud over IEM depends on convenience. Personally I am also an Earbud fan but prefer using them only when listening in a quite environment. Today for review I got the Moonbuds Heron  and after listening a week writing this review. The unit almost completed 200 hours burn-in and I have used normal thin foam cousin for this review.

Specifications Of Moonbuds Heron

  • Driver : 14.8mm,
  • Impedance: 32Ω,
  • SPL: unknown (But not too sensitive),
  • Wire: Beautiful hand braided SPC wire,
  • Cable Length: 1m,
  • Plug: 3.5mm Gold plated.
Moonbuds Heron Review
Different Cable version, Picture Courtesy – Moon Harvester

Buying Link – Contact manufacturer through his Facebook Here.

What’s inside the Box Of Moonbuds Heron ?

  • Moonbuds Heron Earbud,
  • Lots of foam tips,
  • Leather cable organizer,
  • 1 durable Carry pouch.
Moonbuds Heron Review
Different Cable version, Picture Courtesy – Moon Harvester

Source For Moonbuds Heron

Moonbuds Heron is very easy to drive and most of the device can run it easily. I have used my Fiio Q5 and RealMe C1 phone with Heron.

Presentation, Design & Build Quality 

The presentation is elegant and simple, hand crafted Earbud with Yuin shell and beautifully braided SPC cable. Yuin shells are best in terms of fit and comfort. Top to bottom the design and built is stylish. But I am concern with the cable; it’s a bit softer side and may not last long after daily torture. Though this issue is not a major one as it’s totally made to order Earbud, and you can request manufacturer to build(Cable) it as per you requirement. The chin slider is beautiful but bulky. Supplied case is also premium in quality. Overall Moonbuds Heron is a premium Earbud indeed.

Moonbuds Heron Review
Picture Courtesy – Moon Harvester


Sonically Monnbuds Heron is close to neutral. Good to see that how consistent it’s all over the frequency and quite engaging .


Bass is tight and punchy, texture is also very good. Quantity is not that much but quality is good. Emphasis on sub-bass region than mid bass and rumble is there. Speed is not that fast but sufficient. Listening the album ‘Daft Punk’ on Heron was quite amazing. The amount of quality bass is sufficient for bass lovers too.


Heron is transparent and almost natural. Mids where Heron actually proved why it’s priced more than 100 $. Both male and female vocals are clear and no particular emphasis noticed. The song ‘Moon over Bourbon Street’ on Heron was smooth and lush.


Upper frequency is also well extended and no noticeable emphasis is there. No sibilance at all while listening for long sessions. But with treble demanding tracks the sparkle is less. For treble sensitive people Heron could be a best option.

Soundstage & Imaging

Soundstage and imaging in Heron is not widest and it’s expected from a flat sounding Earbud but I would say its normal. Instrument separation is very good and Heron performed well with busy tracks like ‘I don’t want to know’ by Fleetwood Mac.

Picture Courtesy – Moon Harvester


Price is a factor while considering Moonbuds Earbuds but please consider them as luxury not necessity. It’s like a made to order custom jewelry from a skilled craftsman. Heron performed well and can beat a 250$ IEM sound wise easily. If you really appreciate an Earbud over IEM, just go and grab the Heron and it will blow you away.

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