If you never heard of BGVP then you may have been living on another planet so far. DM6 was their most sensational product ever. Other than DM6, BGVP also has some good IEMs like DMG, DMS, DM7, DS1, etc. I have reviewed DM6 earlier and without any doubt can say it is a Giant-killer. BGVP …
Tag: DAC
3.5mm headphone jack is on it’s way to extinction, with the release of flagship smartphones. Now having a flagship phone with the headphone jack seems impossible now. So the only option left, is either use a type-c (Non-DAC) adapter or an external DAC to enjoy your music on the go. Using external DACs for good …
What is the best sub 99$ Desktop/ Portable DAC? – This is the question; I have seen many budget music lovers asking this time to time. But the answer is not as straight forward as one may think. 99$ is a price point where either a manufacturer has to limit features or a buyer has …
DD Electronics TC 35 DAC,AMP REVIEW
Thanos sacrificed Gamora for Soul stone, we sacrificed Headphone jack for the sake of slim flagship smart phones with type C port. Now what’s next? The obvious answer is wireless audio. So throw away all your existing IEMs, headphones or get an inexpensive and average sounding USB C to 3.5mm DAC+AMP. Now a newbie may …