Budget Power Supplies for Your Hi-Fi Devices

Whatever your Hi-Fi System is, it needs a clean source of power to operate. If you feed your Hi-Fi devices by a noisy power supply it will never output a clean and high fidelity sound. A good power supply also ensures the extended life span of a device. I have seen some crazy Japanese audiophiles even using separate transformers directly connected to power stations so that electrical noise from his neighbor can’t enter his setups. Keeping snake oils aside; belief or not, changing your stock power adapter with a good power supply can dramatically enhance the Sonic performance of your existing hi-fi system instantly. So In this article, I have tried to list some budget power supplies for your Hi-Fi devices keeping every budget in mind.

Definition of a Good Power Supply

A power supply that can produce constant voltage and current, efficiently keeping noise and ripple at lower level possible can be called an ideal power supply for your Hi-Fi System.  There are some other factors like it should be galvanically isolated, free from vibrations & should not overheat while operating.

Different Types of Power Supply

Mainly two types of power supplies are widely used. Switch-mode power supply and Linear power supply

Switch Mode Power Supply

‘SMPS’ are used in 99% of the equipment we see in our surroundings. SMPS power supplies use fast frequency switching to generate the required voltage.  The Hi-fi industry is also widely using SMPS-based systems still knowing that it is not ideal. The reason is, SMPS power supplies are small, compact, affordable, and produce less heat. The problem with SMPS power supplies is that they are electrically noisy, have high ripple, are difficult to repair, and are less efficient.

Linear Mode Power Supply

On the other hand, linear mode power supplies are the best suitable solution for high-fidelity or sensitive devices. Instead of switching, a linear mode power supply uses a high-quality transformer to step down the mains voltage to the required low voltage. With the help of precision capacitors and resistors, the step-down voltage is then further cleaned for the cleanest output. The advantages of using a linear power supply are; it gives clean and efficient power to your devices. Though there are some disadvantages too. Like, linear power supplies are big, heavy, and can produce heat plus vibration.

Battery Driven Power Supply 

Another mode of power supply is becoming popular nowadays, i.e. battery-driven power supply. Thanks to cheap and high-density lithium-ion/ polymer batteries most of the portable as well as desktop-grade hi-fi devices are now running on batteries. Now such battery-driven power supplies are less noisy than switch-mode power supplies but still due to buck-boost circuits inside those battery banks, they are not close to linear mode power supplies.

So I think now your doubts may have cleared up about different types of power supplies. Now I am going to suggest some of the budget power supplies for your Hi-Fi devices keeping every budget in mind.

Allo Power Supply 5v

Allo Power Supply 5v

Among all cheap third-party switch mode power supplies, Allo Power supply 5V is surprisingly good. Allo has designed it to keep the noise level as low as possible. It can deliver up to 3A and comes with all necessary adapters and sockets. I have personally used it and wondered how Allo has managed to provide such a good power supply in this budget. But I don’t recommend this power supply for devices that cost more than 100$. The only drawback of the Allo Power supply is, it comes in a 5v option only. 

Purchase Link – Here

IFI I Power

budget power supplies for your Hi-Fi devices

IFI is a renowned audio brand and has high-end hi-fi devices for music enthusiasts around the world. Their superior build quality and use of high-end components in devices make ifi devices highly acclaimed in the market. Ifi’s ipower is the most versatile, useful, and affordable switch mode power supply in the market. I have used it, and no doubt it is the best switch mode power supply you can buy till today. It also comes in 5v, 9v, 12v and 15V options. The only drawback is ifi almost discontinued it and you have to work hard to grab one. I would recommend it for devices up to 200$.

Purchase Link – Here

Allo Nirvana

Allo Nirvana

As I mentioned earlier Allo is doing an extremely good job when it comes to affordable switch-mode power supplies. Their Nirvana is an upgraded switch mode power supply that drew my attention recently. I am using it right now and frankly speaking I am very much pleased with it. In Sonic comparison with ifi ipower, Nirvana sounds slightly better but that improvement is hardly noticeable. Still, I prefer Nirvana over ipower due to its design. The drawback of Allo Nirvana is, it doesn’t have removable cables and comes with only 5v output. 

Purchase Link – Here

Topping P50

budget power supplies for your Hi-Fi devices

Topping, the manufacturer of high fidelity DAC AMPs has released their first separate power supply unit recently. P50 not only comes in a small, attractive design but is also very capable of delivering both 5v 1Amp and 15V 1 Amp. For just 120$ price, topping packed high-quality components inside P50 and I can easily recommend it for your 500$ hi-fi setup. 

Purchase Link – Here

Allo Shanti

budget power supplies for your Hi-Fi devices

Shanti is the finest linear power supply from Allo. Under 200$ Shanti is a bang for the buck device. Quality wise it could have 300$ or 400$ but Allo kept the lowest price possible. Till now, I haven’t used it but never heard any complaints from users I know. So undoubtedly Allo Shanti is an Ideal Linear power supply for hi-fi devices. The only problem is that it can only deliver 5v.

Purchase Link – Here

Audiophonics PSU-HC

Audiophonics PSU-HC

Audiophonics is not only a gigantic online retailer of hi-fi devices but they also develop and distribute different kits for music enthusiasts. Like their Raspdac line of products, they have a bunch of good linear mode power supplies for end consumers. Keeping the budget ones aside I can highly recommend the ‘ PSU-HC’ model. In terms of aesthetics and functionality, Audiophonics PSU-HC is a device hard to avoid. It is also available in different voltage configurations and for 250$ a wise choice. 

Purchase Link – Here

S Booster BOTW P&P ECO

budget power supplies for your Hi-Fi devices

S Booster BOTW P&P ECO linear mode power supplies have received positive feedback from its users around the globe and proved to be the holy grail of line mode power supplies. I haven’t used it but renowned audiophiles like Hans Beekhuyzen even praised it for extremely sensitive devices. BOTW P&P ECO is equipped with the finest components and is available in every required voltage configuration. For around 350$ it is the finest power supply you can buy for your setups.

Purchase Link – Here


So here are the budget power supplies for your Hi-Fi devices keeping every budget in mind. If you care about your music and devices, I highly suggest these power supplies for your setups.

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2 thoughts on “Budget Power Supplies for Your Hi-Fi Devices”

  1. Heloo, nice article. I’m researching about his recently and then realized I have a PSU with toroidal transformer for low noise….. is the Vodoo Lab Power supply for guitar pedals, made in usa. Isolated linear outputs. Do you think its quality and outcome will rival the ones you tested?

    1. Searched online and the product quality is OK for hi-fi audio gears.
      But as per the specs the output can only give 100-250mA, which is not enough for DAC AMPs.
      At least 500mA to 1A current is required in most of the cases.

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