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Hearing loss & Tips to protect ears

We music lovers always do care about the quality of the music, types of equipment, and their aesthetics. But something we often forget to care about the most important thing, without which listening anything would be impossible. I am talking about our ears and like other organs in our body, ears need care too. What does caring mean? And what could be the result of not caring? The answer is Hearing Loss. So today we are discussing Hearing loss & Tips to protect ears.

Cleaning and maintain the hygiene of our ears, is the only care we need? No, to prevent hearing loss which occurs mostly due to the exposure of loud sound for a prolonged time, we must follow some basic rules. Our ears are not designed to listen to any sound as we listen nowadays from our audio equipment (Headphones /IEMs). So what are the tips to use our audio gears without damaging our ears over time? Let’s listen to Dr. Rajive Bhatia. Dr. Rajive Bhatia, an ENT surgeon by profession with a special interest in ear microsurgery and hearing disorders. He has been practicing in Delhi for the last 27 years.

Please note that I have taken permission from Dr. Rajive Bhatia before sharing his video in my blog. This is an embeded video and all views on it will be added on the original video. He has published a lot of useful videos in his YouTube channel also, so do visit his channel and subscribe for more content.

Dr. Bhatia’s tips are practical and useful. I like the 60-60 method and practicing the same for a couple of years now. A suggestion like using speakers instead of headphones indoors is also a wise idea. In addition, I would like to suggest more open-back headphones, Earbuds (Ve Monk Plus) type of products instead of closed-back and deep insert IEMs. Avoid long listening sessions and heavy metal songs, also avoid earphones with sharp trebles. Hearing loss is a serious issue and should not be taken lightly. I hope this small post on Hearing loss & Tips to protect ears would help my readers to avoid hearing loss in the future.

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